What’s in a label?

Lactalis, one of the largest dairy processors in Canada will soon carry the Dairy Farmers of Canada’s (DFC) iconic blue cow logo. Nearly all Canadians are familiar with at least one product from amongst the company’s many offerings which include Black Diamond, Balderson and Cracker Barrel labels. Lactalis joins other major Canadian dairy producers such as Agropur, Gay Lea and Arla Foods in proudly displaying this symbol of True North quality.

With the addition of the Lactalis products, the logo can be found on more than 8,000 products offered nationwide. The new logo, which replaced cartoon cow branding in 2017, can be found on food packaging as well as in businesses such as coffee shops and theatres. With nearly three of every four Canadians preferring to purchase dairy products featuring Canadian milk the logo makes identifying these products quick and easy.

According to Pierre Lampron, President of the Dairy Farmers of Canada, “The blue cow logo is one of the most recognized brands in Canada – it provides clarity to consumers that the dairy products they buy are made from 100% high-quality milk produced with care by Canadian farmers.” The logo’s cow stands majestically and proudly displays the nation’s iconic maple leaf with the bright blue colour representing the fresh, purity of milk.

The certification of origin logo ensures that consumers can easily identify Canadian-made products produced with Canadian milk. Purchasing products featuring this label supports Canadian dairy farmers who are committed to ensuring their animals are well cared for, sustainability, food safety and nutrition. The logo is supported by the industry’s proAction® quality assurance program.

proAction® standards and practices help to ensure that Canadian milk products are amongst the best in the world. As a result, milk produced on Canadian farms is 100% free of antibiotics and rbST, an artificial growth hormone and subject to licensing and inspections to ensure compliance. Farmers know the genetic, genomic and production analysis specific of each cow. They work with experts to ensure the health and well-being of their stock including access to veterinary services and working with experts to improve feed efficiency or the balance of elements needed for herd health, milk production and the environment.

proAction® standards relating to sustainability and the environment have helped to reduce the carbon footprint of the Dairy industry. The industry’s impact consists primarily of livestock management, manure management and feed production, and through continued innovation and research farmers have been able to reduce carbon levels to one of the lowest levels globally — .92kg of CO2 per litre. Farmers utilize a balanced diet for their herd which can lower nitrogen content in manure, as well as reducing methane produced during their cow’s digestive processing. Some farmers are even using biodigesters to convert methane produced by their livestock into electricity!

Dairy Central is proud to carry products that feature the DFC label and all that it represents.











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