How the Canadian Government is Stepping Up for Dairy

The outbreak of COVID-19 has dramatically affected every industry across the globe.  The agriculture industry has been significantly affected due to fluctuating demands and changes in consumer needs. There have been numerous stories of Canadian farmers dumping their excess milk in order to offset their losses. In recent months we’ve sadly seen restaurants, cafes, hotels, schools, offices, and other spaces close their doors which meant a reduced need for many commodities including dairy products. These unsettled times also led to unprecedented panic buying and stockpiling. These unforeseen shifts have significantly impacted the dairy industry which is why the nation has decided to step in and offer a helping hand.

Support for the Dairy Sector

In May 2020 the federal government announced that they will be providing support for the agricultural sector. The federal government looks to provide relief for dairy farmers amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Many Canadian farmers are having to deal with unexpected costs as their operations have been interrupted. Therefore, to ensure that the food supply chains remain strong, the federal government felt it necessary to offer assistance. This support package will hopefully help farmers through these uncertain times. Dairy farming is a key component in the supply chain and therefore, the viability of Canadian farmers is extremely important.

Safety for Employees and Consumers

The recent pandemic continues to change our view on our well-being. As Canada moves into its next phase there is an extra emphasis on the health and safety of both employees and consumers. This means business owners, food producers, and farmers now have to invest in meeting extra health requirements. In order to help cover these costs, new programs and funding have been introduced. It is likely that COVID-19 is going to have a lasting effect on the food chain, creating bottlenecks and other problems, however, with the support of governing bodies the road to recovery seems a little less daunting.  

Government Support

Governments across Canada are putting a lot of time and resources in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Canadian government has implemented a variety of programs, initiatives, and changes to support not just dairy farmers but other businesses as well. With food security high on the list, this financial boost from the government is sure to be welcomed by countless farm owners. The road to recovery is sure to be long and arduous which is why many dairy farmers are going to require financial assistance.

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